Sunsets, Colors, People and Urbanism.

in Visual Shots16 days ago

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I'm really obsessed with getting a lot of punctual results in street photography, It is a kind of addiction that does not end and I always keep searching for it, It is not just one, there are many results depending on the topic. Sunsets, colors, drama, geometry, symmetry, cinema... this doesn't seem to end.


In search of different natural lights, different tones... At this stage of my career I am having a different vision of street photography and I thought that is a good thing.


Here we have two kinds of sunsets, a moment with two different skies on one side and the other, simply a natural show in the city of Buenos Aires. This set was unexpected, I took all the photos yesterday during the sunset.

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Honestly the light was more intense like that day with the golden light, I made a couple of posts about it but when I looked for my camera the light was already going down, the sun was setting and I captured what was left of that intense light.


These last few days I have been walking a lot through different places in the city.

I have been lucky to have a little more time to take some photos and look for other themes, I have done some specific jobs, I was working with models, even unknown people on the streets and a lot more street photography, so there is a lot of material to edit and share here with you.


I hope to maintain this pace to continue creating, searching and obtaining very interesting results.

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I also hope that you like these photos. If you would like to mention something about this set, it would be a pleasure to read you. Have a nice day 🙂


That's all folks! Thanks for stopping by and appreciating.

"Photography is a universal language that transcends the barriers of culture and time." Fan-Ho.


Copyright © by @dimascastillo90 All rights reserved, 2024.
Find out about my Street and Boudoir photography works.
Street Photographer | 🇻🇪 VEN based in ARG 🇦🇷


That is a soothing color of sunset, a perfect color to end the day isn't it?
great shots as usual my friend.

I agree with that, I love those colors! Thanks a lot my friend ;)

An apotheosis exhibition of wonderfully managed street colors and lights!... Applause for you @dimascastillo90 friend!

!discovery 40

Thank you very much @jlinaresp friend! Glad you liked them :)

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No soy muy amante de las fotos urbanas, las encuentro muy impersonales, pero la luz de fondo que tienen estas les da un toque diferente 👍🏻.
Saludos 😺🤘🏻🤗

Es una cuestión de preferencias, a ti te queda muy bien la fotografía de naturaleza pues a mí me encanta lo que capturas y como lo capturas 🥰 Gracias linda, @gatubela me alegra que te hayan gustado, esa luz fue hermosa ✨

Si, hermosa esa luz, de verdad que amo cuando el sol se cuela de esa manera en las fotos, bueno, es que yo amo el sol 🌞 jejeje. De hecho, tú vives en una ciudad muy cosmopolita y apropiada para este tipo de fotografía y que te ofrece miles de opciones para sumergirte entre la urbe, los autos, los caminantes y la ciudad de la furia en general jejeje y aparte de eso tienes el talento y la habilidad de capturar la esencia de todo eso.
Gracias 😊, muchas gracias, me alegra que lo aprecies 🤗, yo feliz con mi naturaleza y mis bichos 🤭🤭😃.
Saludos 😺🤘🏻🤗

Qué bonitas fotos con esas luces... wow ;)

Parece que ando caminando por Buenos Aires. Quiero ir a un café. Seguramente habrá alguno cerca de ahí.

Graciasss 🙂

Acá es una costumbre la merienda, por lo que toda la ciudad está llena de cafeterías casi que en cada esquina. Lo disfrutarías ;)