When the thoughts in your mind start to create realities that go beyond the capacity that God gave you in real life, stop thinking them.
We have given our minds too much power over us instead of God having that power over us. If we are human, that means we do not have the capacity to be anything other than human, including God. That comes with our abilities and our inabilities.
But my question is, if we can lift weights and women can give birth to children, which is a miracle, if we can create iPhones, if we have control over our own decisions,nthen why can we not change our mind?
2 Corinthians 10:5
Cast down every high thought and imagination that exalts itself against your knowledge of the truth.
When your mind comes to the word of God and says, I believe that I make more sense than you or I'm the truth over you, cast it down.
The moment we allow our minds to believe that we are greater than the capacity that God has given us is the very moment we fool ourselves into believing that we are self-sufficient.
The Bible says, as a man thinketh, so is he
You act on what you believe. And without saying it, we've convinced ourselves that we are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think when really that's God's job.
The other day, the Holy Spirit told me, pride is simply you believing that you can be God for yourself. Whether we admit it, whether we believe it, or we realize that we're doing it or not.
When you act as if you can play God's role in your life, And my Bible tells me that pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
We have to start embracing our capacity because it is in our weakness that God's strength can be made perfect. And when we try to do it all for ourselves, we fail to receive the beauty and the gift of who God can be for us in our lives.
I allowed my maladaptive daydreaming to pull me into depression, believing that I could be God for myself and then grieving the fact that I could not be in real life because I created realities where I was the guy, where I was in control, where I could do this, where I was creating these realities.
And then I tried to manifest that here on earth. I had to grieve not being in the spotlight, not getting what I wanted when I wanted it, protecting myself from being hurt again.
Because there's nothing wrong with having hopes and expectations and dreams. But even in the way that we imagine it, we have to remember that we're not in control so that we can now partner with God on our purpose and acknowledge him so that he can direct our path.