Charlotte has delicious iced tea [Eng-Esp]

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee27 days ago (edited)

I was invited to a birthday party in Charlotte in front of the Hesperia Hotel, so despite being exhausted from work, I managed to do my best in this pleasant meeting, because the best moments in life have to do with a rich evening like this, in which we could share a couple of red fruit tea.


This decision is given by wanting to make some positive changes in my life, which includes eating well, exercise, and include a refreshing cold drink, to mitigate a little heat that is doing these days, plus these drinks are antioxidant and contribute not only to keep us radiant and young, but in a healthy way I will not consume sugary drinks and black.


My friend was surprised that I asked for such a drink, because I dream to choose a rich coffee, but this time I had already had dinner before the meeting, in which I could have my rich cup of coffee, that's why I preferred tea, although I confess that I wanted something sweet, whipped cream, brownie pieces and lots of coffee, but at the moment I remembered my dietary restrictions for the exercise and I preferred to switch to a tea.


The tea in Charlotte is very cold and I preferred it cold to allow me to cool down because of the temperatures we have had these days where I live, because hot would only make me hotter, so Maria Teresa my friend still did not assimilate that I restricted myself in the part of eating and enjoying in this place.


Among the large group of companions, only one person agreed with the request for that delicious cold drink, which we enjoyed at the same time we talked about topics such as our daily life and work.


The best of the evening is to share with those friends who bring joy to your life, encourage you to change habits in a positive way and accompany you during the refreshment not only of your body but of life as there are decisions that will surely impact positively, because the growth although not immediate, in the long run will help me to be a more complete professional woman and therefore influence positively with my daughter and family environment.


So thank you for allowing me to share with you this delicious cold drink, see you until the next time.

ESPAÑOL (click here!)

Me invitaron para un cumpleaños en Charlotte frente al Hotel Hesperia, es así que a pesar de salir agotada del trabajo, me arregle para disponer lo mejor de mi en este agradable encuentro, pues Los mejores momentos de la vida tienen que ver con una rica velada como está, en el cual pudimos compartir un par de te de frutos rojos.


Esta decisión viene dada, por querer hacer unos cambios en mi vida positivos, el cual incluye comer bien, ejercicios, además de incluir una refrescante bebida fría, para mitigar un poco el calor que está haciendo estos días, además que estás bebidas son antioxidante y contribuyen no solo a mantenernos radiantes y jóvenes, sino que de una manera sana no consumiré bebidas azucaradas y negras.


Mi amiga se sorprendió que pidiera tal bebida, pues sueño escoger un rico café, pero en esta ocasión ya había cenado previo a la reunión, en la cual pude tomar mi rica taza de café, es por eso que preferí el te, aunque confieso que yo quería algo con dulce, crema batida, trozos de brownie y mucho café, pero de momento recordé mis restricciones alimentarias por el ejercicios y preferí cambiar a un te.


El te en Charlotte es muy frío y lo preferí frío para que me permitiera refrescarme por las temperaturas que hemos tenido estos días donde vivo, pues caliente solo lograría que tuviera más calor, es así que María Teresa mi amiga aún no asimilaba que me restringiera en la parte de comer y disfrutar en este lugar.


Entre el gran grupo de acompañantes, solo una persona coincidió con la solicitud de esa rica bebida fría, la cual disfrutamos al mismo tiempo que conversamos de temas en como de nuestra vida diaria y de trabajo.


Lo mejor de la noche es compartir con esas amistades que aportan a tu vida alegría, te animan a cambiar hábitos de manera positiva y te acompañan durante el refrescamiento no solo de tu cuerpo sino de la vida ya que existen decisiones que de seguro impactaran positivamente, pues el crecimiento aunque no es inmediato, a la larga me ayudara a ser una mujer profesional mas completa y por ende influir de manera positiva con mi hija y el entorno familiar.


Así que gracias por permitirme compartir con ustedes esta rica bebida fría, nos vemos hasta una siguiente oportunidad.

The photos are my own, taken with the NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO phone, it is important to add the use of Canvas to edit the cover and the banner.

Las fotos son propias, tomadas con el teléfono NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO, es importante añadir el uso de Canvas para editar la portada y el banner.

This story is original created by @crisch23, exclusively on hive in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community, deepl was used as translator.

Esta historia es original creada por @crisch23, exclusivamente en hive en la comunidad de Cinnamon Cup Coffee, se usó deepl como traductor.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

That's great, a refreshing tea, it looks delicious, I hope everything goes well for you with your good habits, my friend, I'm glad... Exercises, this is serious business. Greetings.

Healthy food, healthy drink, exercise and always surrounded by good friends. You'll live to be over 100, for sure.


Those teas certainly look refreshing! And every healthy lifestyle requires the occasional treating yourself, otherwise it becomes a nightmare. I'm glad you had a great time! Thanks for sharing!

Sounds like oodles of coffeelicious fun!.png

It is healthy to change eating habits for health is better, I'm glad I started exercising, and from coffee to tea, you surprised me, success, greetings @crisch23
