Charllotte the best place to enjoy a good coffee and the best company.

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 days ago (edited)

It has been a while since I have been here to share a good coffee, but I always remember you in every sip of coffee, evoking a pleasant memory since for me it is synonymous to relate you both, but I enjoy it more when I meet great lovers and connoisseurs of the world who enjoy coffee as much as I do.

Recently I paute a meeting with @universoperdido and @franchalad, near my new home, near the Sambil, to share a coffee and something else, so without hesitation we went to Charllotte in front of the Hotel Hesperia in which is a nice terrace that allows you to enjoy a coffee at the height.


This Charllotte I like, because it is a waste of glamor, it is in the details that allow you to enjoy an atmosphere suitable for a conversation in peace and tranquility.

I always enjoy a rich coffee, it is something that gives me satisfaction, so the best company is enjoyed with a vanilla latte.

With the coffee we wanted to order a hamburger for dinner, so I ordered a chicken and cream burger, which is very large not only in size but also in deliciousness.

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On the other hand, there are those who prefer cold red fruit tea, which is also a good option, even more so with a big beef burger and cream cheese, which gives it a special touch.


To give variety, a Croissant with cream cheese was ordered, and their coffee, because we both enjoy the rich coffee, plus we think it is a pleasure of life that we do not intend to leave.


Between a good coffee and a delicious meal, more than a friendship, future plans, business or just spending a happy, quiet and satisfied time can flourish.

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Knowing that this life has someone to share your best moments with, is of such an important value, because it is useless to be embraced by loneliness, that is why I invite you to call a friend and invite him/her to have coffee.


This is how to share an evening with friends and a nice cup of coffee, see you soon.



Hace un tiempo que no pasaba por aquí para compartir un buen café, pero siempre los recuerdo en cada sorbo de café, evocando un recuerdo grato ya que para mí es sinónimo relacionarlos a ambos, pero lo disfruto más cuando me encuentro a grandes amantes y conocedores del mundo que disfrutan tanto del café como yo.

Recientemente paute un encuentro con @universoperdido y @franchalad, cerca de mi nuevo hogar, en las cercanías del Sambil, para compartir un café y algo más, así que sin dudar nos fuimos a Charllotte frente al Hotel Hesperia en cuál es una linda terraza que te permite disfrutar un café a la altura.


Este Charllotte me gusta, porque es un derroche de glamour, es que en los detalles es donde te permiten disfrutar de un ambiente adecuado para una conversación en paz y tranquilidad.

Yo siempre disfruto de un rico café, es algo que me da satisfacción, así que la mejor compañía se disfruta cun un latte Vainilla.

Con el café quisimos pedir una hamburguesa para cenar, así que pedí una de pollo con crema, la cual es muy grandes no solo de tamaño sino también en delicia.


Por otro lado, hay quienes prefieren el te frío de frutos rojos, que también es buena opción, aún más con una gran hamburguesa de carne y crema de queso, lo cual le da un toque especial.


Para dar variedad, se pidió un Croissant con queso crema, y su café, porque ambos disfrutamos el rico café, además pensamos que es un placer de la vida que no pretendemos dejar.


Entre un buen café y una rica comida, puede llegar a florecer más que una amistad, planes a futuro, negocios o simplemente pasar un rato feliz, tranquilo y satisfecho.


Saber que está vida tiene con quién compartir tus mejores momentos, es de tan importante valor, porque de nada sirve que te abrace la soledad, es por ello que te invito a llamar a un amigo e invitarlo a tomar café.


Es así como compartir una noche de amigos y una rica taza de café, nos vemos pronto.


The photos are my own, taken with the NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO phone, it is important to add the use of Canvas to edit the cover and the banner.

Las fotos son propias, tomadas con el teléfono NOTE INFINITY 30 PRO, es importante añadir el uso de Canvas para editar la portada y el banner.

This story is original created by @crisch23, exclusively on hive in the Cinnamon Cup Coffee community, deepl was used as translator.

Esta historia es original creada por @crisch23, exclusivamente en hive en la comunidad de Cinnamon Cup Coffee, se usó deepl como traductor.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

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Thanks a-latte!

The Cinnamon Cup Coffee Team.

El café siempre es mas sabroso con buena compañía 😄👍☕ Saludos

If I feel the same way

Excellent sharing. It's so good to share coffee with people who enjoy it as much as you do.

There are friends who come by chance into your life to fill it with joy.

Cada vez que veo un post de charlotte digo que iré algún día por un café y ya va casi un año jaja.

I was saying the same thing with the globetrotting game but I am definitely fulfilling my dreams although I still need to parachute.

I've parachuted quite often... But in my dreams haha crazy scares.

You spent a very entertaining moment with your friends, these moments are unforgettable and best accompanied by what cannot be missing at any social gathering a delicious coffee.☕

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience.

Good day.

These Hivers are more than friends, they have both taught me a lot about life and they are truly the best.

 11 days ago Reveal Comment

We enjoyed a lot. Despite the differences and our friendship was born out of Hive that's the most amazing thing.