5 Top Indonesian Snack by Arveno


Hi, I am Arveno and i am from Surabaya city Indonesia. I want to make content about Desserts. If you are not from Indonesia, i suggested that you guys need to read this content and maybe saving and thank me later especially if you are loving eating desserts. I pick 5 top desserts by me. Or at least these 5 is my favourite. And you wont miss the last one. The last one is the best desserts and many content creator that not from Indonesia said that the last is the best!!

1. Risoles


The first desserts that i recommended it called Risoles. I dont know that this dessert is actually from Indonesia or just copying other country recipe. But, as far as i know that this desserts is delicious. This desserts can go as savoury desserts or sweet desserts. It will depending on the filling of this food. I'd rather eating Savoury than sweet on this food. I love when having Chicken Risoles or Mayo Risoles that usually filling with chicken. But, i dont really know that this desserts origin from Indonesia or not. Judging from the form of this food, it is not like Indonesian food. But yeah back again i am not researching abou this food origin. But, i just recommended to taste this desserts while you are in Indonesia.

2. Klepon


The second desserts that i recommended is called Klepon. But this is warning for you guys if you having allergic to gluten and coconut, i think you not to try this food. This food basically made from flour and filling with melted brown sugar inside and covered with coconut shavings. The tastes is mostly sweet from brown sugar. The texture is kinda chewy but can melted inside the mouth. I like this desserts but i cannot eat much, my Acid Reflux will more active when i eating more flour based food. But, when you already eating main course meal and then craving for desserts. Yeah i still recommended this food.

3. Putu Cake


The third desserts that i recommended is Putu cake. This is just Rice cracker combined with coconut and brown sugar. We called Putu because abbreviation from this desserts seller that selling around housing area. PUTU = Pencari Uang Tenaga Uap. So the seller usually riding bicycle and using steam traditional machine.


So, the seller using traditional machine like that. Using steam from gas stove inside the box and waiting till the rice cracker ripe. The main ingredients of this desserts is still rice flour and combined with melted brown sugar or melted chocholate. But mostly still using Melted brown sugar inside. And the last covered with coconut shavings. I like eating this food when the vibes is overcast or after rain. The cold sensation combined with very hot steamy rice cracker and sweet inside can reduce the stress and melted your inside while feel warm from the steam of this rice cracker.

4. Onde - Onde


The fourth that i recommended to try is called Onde-Onde this desserst main ingredients is still flour. But what makes this desserts delicious is the filling inside like ball inside ball. The filling is depends on every seller. But, mostly the filling is from mung beans that formed like ball that smaller from the outer layer. The outer layer covered with sesame seeds. The tastes of this desserts is really delicious. The chewy from outer layer then the delicate of the mungbeans as filling is really incredible combination.

5. Terang Bulan / Martabak Manis


Okay for the last. This is the best desserts in Indonesia. You really really need to taste and try this desserts. This desserts is called Terang Bulan in some area especially in East Java but mostly they said Martabak Manis. This desserts is kinda like pancake with many layer and combination of the filling. But before talking about the filling. This texture is really different to Pancake. This is fluffier than pancake and thicker than pancakes. But, if you have diabetic. I suggesting you to eat just a little bit since this desserts is full of sweet and high in calories. Okay then talking the filling,Mostly people use Chocolate and Peanuts as filling. But other than that there are so many filling combination. Like for example cheese and chocolate, or cheese and peanuts. Or chocolate and nutella. And many more. For me, i like the usual using Chocolate and peanuts as filling. And this desserts is very good when eating by full family member or with friends. It is very rare seeing one person eating all one pack of this desserts since i believe eating 2 or 3 slices will make your stomach full. Many people that not from Indonesia already tried it and said this desserts is the best. So, i really suggested to try this dessert. If you want to buy, you need to wait till late afternoon till night. yeah we are enjoying this desserts after eating dinner.

So,that is 5 top desserts that i recommended. I love that desserts very much. but not only these 5, there are many more traditional desserts from Indonesia that worth to try. Maybe after trying these 5 desserts you can try another traditional desserts. And that is my content for today. I am hoping that this content inspired and drooling you guys. And thanks for the support and see you in the next content.