My Actifit Report Card: June 24 2024

in Actifit12 days ago

Greetings friends and all lovers of physical activities all over the world. This is my actifit report for monday the 24/6/2024. On my monday morning, the weather looks clear and clement. I woke up and prepared for work, having done my house chores. It is the beginning of the week so I made sure I arrived at work on time.

In the afternoon of my day, I did some zoom client conference with some client who'll be witnesses in a judicial dispute. It went smooth and ended much ond time.

Later in the day, I met this farm. The corn is matured and ready for harvest. Just take a look at this matured curb.

This other one has been eaten by squirrels. The owners didn't act on time to harvest same.

Finished a bit late from work and retired for the weekend.

In the night, I came out to get some few steps and stretch my legs and enjoy the cool breeze that usually sweeps around in the evenings.

Thereafter, I came back to rest. Once at home, I completed some few online tasks before I then retired for the day.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading up to this point. Until next time, I say, keep exercising.

All images used here are original and mine too.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Moving Around Office, Photowalking, Walking


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