Hello dear Hivers,
here are the:
$ALIVE Statistics For The Last 7 Days, 2024-12-06 to 2024-12-13:
Who has bought how many $ALIVE at which time:
Top $ALIVE Buyers And $HIVE Sellers
The inside of the circle shows the buyers of $ALIVE, ordered by $HIVE they have spent. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE (sellers of $ALIVE):
Comulated Amount Of Bought $ALIVE Per Person
Top 10 $ALIVE buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. Sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:
Top 20 $ALIVE Buyers
Sorted by the $HIVE, they have spent:
Buyer(Descending) | Sold $HIVE | % Sold $HIVE | Bought $ALIVE | Avg. Price | Number of Trades |
@roger.remix | 22.18507 | 27.51 % | 3999.99997 | 0.00625 | 14 |
@master-lamps | 12.58838 | 15.61 % | 2539.23542 | 0.00503 | 28 |
@disconnect | 12.44708 | 15.43 % | 2543.13940 | 0.00514 | 68 |
@pwbanker | 11.29200 | 14.00 % | 2183.43130 | 0.00542 | 25 |
@urrirru | 5.42448 | 6.73 % | 1075.75650 | 0.00545 | 13 |
@cryptovisitor | 3.93256 | 4.88 % | 678.51630 | 0.00592 | 5 |
@fjworld | 3.82229 | 4.74 % | 767.35638 | 0.00498 | 1 |
@vocup | 3.79580 | 4.71 % | 749.99999 | 0.00506 | 5 |
@lookplz | 2.21980 | 2.75 % | 400.00000 | 0.00555 | 4 |
@edgerik | 0.64975 | 0.81 % | 100.00000 | 0.00645 | 4 |
@gunting | 0.63894 | 0.79 % | 92.74770 | 0.00689 | 2 |
@baconface | 0.62199 | 0.77 % | 364.24810 | 0.00232 | 1012 |
@pepentropy | 0.50000 | 0.62 % | 100.00000 | 0.00500 | 3 |
@yintercept | 0.43750 | 0.54 % | 85.00000 | 0.00514 | 9 |
@buynburn | 0.05360 | 0.07 % | 10.72100 | 0.00500 | 2 |
@alive.voter | 0.04654 | 0.06 % | 21.13140 | 0.00386 | 3 |
others | 0 | 0.00 % | 0 | 0.00000 | 0 |
Sum: | 80.65578 | 100 % | 15711.28346 | 0.00556 | 1198 |
Comulated Amount Of Sold $ALIVE Per Person
Top 10 $ALIVE Sellers, how much they sold and how much $HIVE they got for this, sorted by $HIVE:
Top 20 $ALIVE Sellers
Sorted by the $HIVE, they have got:
Seller(Descending) | Earned $HIVE | % Earned $HIVE | Sold $ALIVE | Avg. Price | Number of Trades |
@pwbanker | 20.14696 | 24.98 % | 3866.11600 | 0.00524 | 39 |
@disconnect | 13.58166 | 16.84 % | 2318.90000 | 0.00563 | 37 |
@keychain.swap | 12.50911 | 15.51 % | 3059.40740 | 0.00227 | 998 |
@mizuosemla | 9.00292 | 11.16 % | 1774.28909 | 0.00508 | 17 |
@fjworld | 5.24520 | 6.50 % | 806.97968 | 0.00650 | 1 |
@thoth442 | 5.05374 | 6.27 % | 1009.14819 | 0.00500 | 2 |
@geneeverett | 2.75297 | 3.41 % | 547.77640 | 0.00512 | 4 |
@brando28 | 2.72179 | 3.37 % | 546.41321 | 0.00498 | 3 |
@master-lamps | 2.44180 | 3.03 % | 425.08259 | 0.00574 | 5 |
@pepentropy | 0.72248 | 0.90 % | 111.35650 | 0.00649 | 1 |
@dubislav | 0.70138 | 0.87 % | 139.00000 | 0.00509 | 8 |
@liotes.alive | 0.69281 | 0.86 % | 138.40850 | 0.00501 | 2 |
@gameexp | 0.54973 | 0.68 % | 110.36140 | 0.00498 | 1 |
@hivecurious | 0.46639 | 0.58 % | 88.78530 | 0.00525 | 4 |
@bambukah | 0.45707 | 0.57 % | 89.62050 | 0.00510 | 1 |
@simplegame | 0.42800 | 0.53 % | 85.60000 | 0.00500 | 1 |
@mervinthepogi | 0.32843 | 0.41 % | 49.76950 | 0.00660 | 1 |
@pepetoken | 0.25151 | 0.31 % | 50.24570 | 0.00501 | 1 |
@kraksport | 0.20404 | 0.25 % | 40.00720 | 0.00510 | 1 |
@cursephantom | 0.19764 | 0.25 % | 39.00000 | 0.00511 | 7 |
others | 2.20014 | 2.73 % | 415.01630 | 0.00540 | 64 |
Sum: | 80.65577 | 100 % | 15711.28346 | 0.00534 | 1198 |
Price Of The $ALIVE
$ALIVE Summarize Metrics
Request | Received Hive | Received HIVE % | Sold $ALIVE | Avg. Price |
sell | 57.17199 | 70.88% | 11863.81979 | 0.00266 |
buy | 23.48378 | 29.12% | 3847.46366 | 0.00604 |
sum: | 80.65577 | 100% | 15711.283449999999 | 0.00435 |
Comparison With Other Tokens
This figure shows the value of $HIVE compared to some tokens. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.
Value of $USD compared to some token. Be aware of the nonlinear (root square) y-axes.
Table Of Token Prices in $HIVE and $USD
Average value of the prices of the token. Hive and US-Dollar compared to the token:
How I Have Set Up Elasticsearch And Kibana On My Raspberry Pi To Monitor Token Activities and here: Do You Want To See Statistics Of Your Favorite HIVE Token? or on github.
My last Week
This week I was on a business trip to my colleages in Würzburg. On the way to it (5 hours traveling) I heard a lot of very good podcasts about charity. One of them is (in German language): effektiver Altruismus. I learned a lot about what is important what not. It has a differnt view to charity, as it tries to leverage and multiply the donations of time or money. Maybe I can get some ideas for my Hive charity project.
Achim Mertens